You raise a very difficult question. Many philosophers thought about it. Taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor wont solve the problem for a long time. What are the problems we as people can't solve?
1. Human nature. Laziness. There are a lot of people who are lazy. Rich or poor. But to live in an equal world everyone has to give their energy and time.
2. You would have to move people from areas that dont produce anything. A farmer from South Carolina will produce five times more than a farmer from Siberia. Hence American farmer is already richer by doing the same work.
3. How much money will you give to artists and scientists? The experience of USSR shows that when people don't get big money for their developments they stop to create. In USSR a scientist would get 500 rubles, but a builder 300 rubles. One of the reasons USSR collapsed is because the country stopped producing innovation. The reason is people lost creativity as there was nothing that would stimulate them.
4. We love freedom. What will you do with people who want 10 children? It is obvious that they won't be able to educate all of them, but that is their choice. Will you stop freedom.
I think you need to read books on communism. Communists themselves came to a conclusion that at the moment we can't create equal world. Maybe later when we will use robots for manual work. But that is still maybe